Friday, March 9, 2012

Got my back

Oh, Chase bank, you make me laugh.
Via text moments ago:

"CHASE Fraud: Did you purchase $3042.50 at a chemist on 03-09-2012? Reply 1 if yes, 2 if no. STOP to end msgs or HELP"

Reply: 1

The drugs are being shipped via speed shipping and should be safely installed in the butter compartment of our fridge within the next 7 days.


  1. Lol at the text and yay for the new cycle!!

  2. I am expecting my meds today or tomorrow. Yikes!

  3. haha Chase, that is great and even greater that YES you did buy these things! Hopeing you are just THAT much closer my friend!

  4. Okay, I follow your farm blog and just hopped on here...I've just been reading through a few of your blogs and have to tell you...I needed to read this today!

    I am lucky enough to raise two beautiful children from my husbands first marriage, but we've never been able to make it past a miscarriage ourselves. Yesterday, for me, was one of those horrible days! We're trying to decide on IVF, Prayers, Luck? You name it...

    Anyway, I'm not excited to see you've had to go through all this, but it is exciting finding someone else who knows how it feels. Sometimes, this path feels so lonely!



What are your thoughts?