Friday, July 27, 2012

Polyp-free - for now

Last Friday's surgery went well. I was surprised to be as calm and peaceful as I was that day, although I did find myself wishing Paul was already home as the scheduled time got closer. (He flew in from Alaska while I was in pre-op and was in the waiting room by the time Dr. M. came out to tell him how it went, so that was good.) I'm super grateful to have had my sister-in-law with me. We had a great time in pre-op, laughing and talking about sex (I'm sure the nurses were wondering why we were laughing so much!). It was all good.

One month after losing the twins last year, a hysteroscopy in Dr. M.'s office revealed two polyps and a "ridge" in my uterus, but the one we were blaming the miscarriage on at the time was gone. Last week, Dr. M. found only one polyp in my uterus and removed it. Paul thought he said he'd also removed three from my cervix, but at my post-op appointment today, he wouldn't commit to that. He said, instead, that my cervix has the beginnings of many tiny polyps (there was a term for it, but I can't remember what it was).

Great. This does not at all make me happy. I'm sure I don't have to explain why. When I asked him about, he agreed with my reaons for being concerned.

So, next step: we're going to University Reproductive Care in Seattle on August 7th (yeah, two days after our one-year anniversary of losing Aliya and Bennett...maybe not the best move ever). Dr. M. seemed happy with this decision, and reminded me that he's happy to provide monitoring or whatever we need if that can be arranged. (LOVE!) I'm to ask the doc we're seeing - who comes very highly recommended - about his thoughts on my cervical polyp issue, just to get his opinion. (Dr. M. is curious, I think...this other doc actually taught him how to do transvaginal ultrasounds back in the day, he said.) We figure if anyone is qualified to give us a really good idea of our success probability with IVF using my own eggs, it'll be this guy.

Ironically, one of my big hang-ups about Dr. M.'s has long been that we'd have to find our own outside financing (i.e. bank loans) to pay for IVF, and it turns out to be the same case with UW! I had no idea. Oh, well. We'll see what happens.

And, if the answer is unfavorable, which I'm (so far) very much ok with, then we'll move on to donor eggs.

My goal is to be pregnant again before the end of 2012. We'll see how that works out.


  1. I wish it could just be easy, you know? Pregnant by the end of 2012. Seems like such a simple and reasonable request. Know that I am hoping, wishing, and asking that it happen for you.

  2. I wish it could just be easy, you know? Pregnant by the end of 2012. Seems like such a simple and reasonable request. Know that I am hoping, wishing, and asking that it happen for you.

  3. I got my fingers crossed that everything works out for you at your appointment. I love that you said you want to be pregnant by the end of 2012. I know all too well what we hope and wish for is not what sometimes happens. But to see that hope back after so many months of hardship is at least a foot in the right direction. I'm here cheering for you with all my might!

  4. Hoping for some good news for you from this appointment! Will be thinking of you on the 5th, and the next couple of days especially. Sending love!


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